Wednesday, November 21, 2012


A NEW STORE FINALLY OPENED IN QUEENSBAY AND THEY'RE SELLING SNAPBACKS!! Finally!! And it's only RM 29.90 haha.. Even though I look weird wearing caps, I still love them lol.
I'm such a wanty ><''. Oh well~
I got the YMCMB. It stands for ' Young Money Cash Money Billionaires' and who comes to mind? NICKI MINAJ! haha... I bought the blue one cause you know.. I ♥ blue :3.

The dog wears it better than me LOL.

Friday, November 9, 2012


It's the holidays again!!! That means I'll be blogging more now haha...School ended today and this is pretty much how it went this year... (Warning~ Emo post :P)

This year is definitely the most memorable one so far... I spent my time with them. I played with them. I laughed so much but ended up in a slump because of all the wrongs I've done... I've let my friends down and it's like this now. There's no one else to blame but myself. Looking back, there really were lots of ups and downs.

How many times have I tried to escape from reality and lived in the virtual world? I've lost count. Now, I'm repeating what I've said the year before and the year before that. When can I snap out of it? It's a dumb question and most of you guys who read this will of course say, "if you have the heart to do it then you can do it." It's hard to break out of it since I'm so attached to it... These stuff were there for me whenever I needed it but sadly, it drove me away from the real world. Ironic how it's supporting me yet killing me at the same time.

Next year I'll be in Form 5, the time to grow up is finally here. Lots of thinking to be done.Dream or future? People advice me to follow my dreams but how can one do it when the people who love you, the people who watched over you, will be hurt by your actions.

The future I see is now all white. Like a piece of paper. It's blank. I've got all the colours of paint and different sizes of brushes in my hands. It's up to me to paint the future I want. But, I'm too afraid to even draw a dot on it. Cause the future I have in mind right now is bound to hurt almost everyone I know.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We are never EVER getting back together

Look, what we had was amazing but I gave you so many chances in the past and you didn't change. I'm so freaking tired of it. Now I don't see any difference too so stop coming back to me saying you can't get over me or you still have feelings for me. I don't give a crap anymore got it? People tease me about us and I just played along or tried changing the topic because I refuse to make a huge deal out of it. Now, it's getting on my nerves whenever you're being like that. Seriously, stop. I said that we could still be friends, but not till this extent. Yes, you are here to support me but I don't need support from someone who I know will rip the inside out of me again anymore. Know where the line is, thanks.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Big Bang's Concert 271012

Yep! Went to Big Bang's Alive Tour!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! 
So we went to KL on Friday noon and the concert was on Saturday~ we went to the stadium at like 10 am and started looking for the ticket booth.. it opens at 12 so we took a walk and got lots of merchandise! They were hella expensive but hey~ that's what happens when you go to a concert XD. 

So after we got our tickets we headed back to the hotel~ since it was still early and we wanted to change into the t-shirts we bought :D

 Room 505!! 



 I likey this crown xD 

 Us ♥ :D

Then we went back at 2 to line up. . . So in total we waited in line for 5 hours! 5 hours under the sun and rain ._. 
2 more hours!!!

 Finally the doors are open. And this is just the FRONT part to ONE of the doors.

 The stage!! 

So while waiting for them to come out it started raining like freaking heavily urgh. . . We were soaked but who cares! We got to see them live!!
 So close!!

After the concert jiejie went back to the hotel while me and andy koko went to buy dinner. 
And it was actually jiejie's birthday so we bought her a cake from KK mart! XD. 
We bought the candles that had 24 of em inside but when we got back to the hotel to set up the surprise. . . There were only 23 candles inside. . . like wth!! So we just placed 4 candles deeper so it looks shorter and 2 other candles which we made them stand taller than the others!
Jiejie took the picture lol.

Had this after each of us had 2 cups of instant noodles.

Went shopping on the last day~ and look!! OMG!! BUNNEHSS 

Was such a fun time there!
1 more week! Just 1 more week and school will be over!!
I'll be free hahaha! Can't wait!! wahahah!