Saturday, January 26, 2013

La Vanille

Hey guys!! Again another late post haha... well I've been quite lazy these days since the pictures always load sooooo slow!! Anyways! This post is about our little trip to "Bunnyland" on 301212 :D yes, very late post..
 Bunny ring for the day's event~ haha


Doggie saying hi 

 We're here!!

The place is very well designed! Ironicly I forgot to take a picture of the whole store -.-..

Their specialties are their cupcakes! So epicly decorated!!

Now.. let me show you why I call it Bunnyland!!!


 The lovely couple!! Who keeps making me their lightbulb ._.

Yes we played jenga :D

So when it was time to order they let me choose the cake and I saw this:

Being the bunny fanatic that most of you probably know by now, I immediately ordered this and guess what was served on our table~
Yes, this. Depressed and disappointed max.

Well that was all for our trip! The food is just so-so but the environment, I would give it 5 stars!! haha.. 
Do visit the store!! It's just behind New World Park, near the parking space!  
As Porky Pig once said!! Ah duh uh duhasdlkjalsd~ That's all folks!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve 2012

Yes this is a late post!! If you guys added me on facebook you would've prob seen the pictures by now!
So you must be wondering why I'm posting here again~ well what I'm posting now are the pictures that they've forbidden me to post LOL. Yes, my aunts very "want face" de hahah. Well I'm not like that :P No matter how outrageous or crazy the pictures are, I'll still share them haha.

Look at the Xmas tree we made out of fruits!! The star was a fail so we replaced it with lollipops LOL

 Yes this lollipop :D

 Our tree!!!

 Birthday girl! Haha

Yes I know the cap was closed LOL. But yes we actually made that drink and forced ourselves to drink it owo" 


 Yes that's how my aunt sits LOL

 Turkey's here!!! 

 Hai Xin! (star fish XD) 

Gathering round the baby XD

Now for some crazy pictures~!! 



 Bro and his present LOL

Since I took a picture of everyone with their presents, and my old man didn't join in, he told me to take this pic and act like that was his present LOL ♥ him haha

Best family